- Official page QGIS.org, Usersguide, Training Manual, Blogs: qgis.org/planet/
- Tutorials and Facebook:
foss4geo.wordpress.com, www.qgistutorials.com, Faunalia
Data from Danish Geodata Agency
Download: http://download.kortforsyningen.dk/
Webservice: http://kortforsyningen.dk/webtjenesteliste
- Lesson 1- Map preparation and Print composer
Text: Map_Prep – Data Map_Prep - WMS import and open WMS_Kortforsyningen
- Lesson 2- Create new Shapefile
Text: Create_New_Shapefile - Lesson 3- Attribute table
Text: Attribute_Table – Data AgriField - Lesson 4- Classification
Text: Classification
(Litrapolygon) litrafarver
- Lesson 5- Vector data Analysis – Buffer, Clip
Text: Vector_data_Analysis_Buffer_Clip – Data: Buffer - Lesson 6- Processing – Buffer, Clip
Text: Processing_Buffer – Data - Lesson 7- CRS, Fileformats –GPX, SHP
Text: GPX – Data: Tree - Lesson 8- Spatial Query
Text: SpatialQuery – Data: Spatial - Lesson 9- Raster Colorize and calculate
Text: Raster_colour_calculator – Data: Part_DTM_617_72